
Monday, June 1, 2020

Design Wall Monday

My design wall today is full of blocks for one project while I finish up another one. This bench pillow is nearly done.  To assemble this pillow, I put the front and envelope back together with a bound edge so it looks a bit like piping.  That bound edge is red (same as the inner border) and I'm determined to finish hand stitching it down later today. 

I'm working on the final 8 blocks for 6th Grade quilt.  I'm hoping to have those blocks done today or tomorrow, depending on my work schedule.  Then I can determine the final layout to distribute those colors evenly.  I did have plenty of the background left plus a few jelly roll strips, so I've replaced that really light block that I had in the first layout.     


  1. Nice blocks in your 6th Grade project. You've got a good variety of color going. Yea for getting your pillow done. (Or close to done...) Nothing like a finish to give us motivation.

  2. Great progress! I love the 6th Grade blocks: they look wonderful together.

  3. Binding the edge of pillows is so much easier than stitch-and-turn, the corners are always better.

    Love the quilt, very bright and fun colors.

  4. You worked quickly on your pillow! Why are the blocks called 6th grade blocks? I may have missed your explanation. Those are really pretty and look great in all of the colors.


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