
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Always something to distract me . . .

I promise I did work on the 6th Grade blocks yesterday.  Progress was made on 4 of the final 8 blocks.  But it was the first day of Lori Holt's new Bee Patriotic sew-along and that is something I also have been planning to participate in during June.  Each week in June she will do 3 of the star blocks from her Vintage Christmas book to make a sampler type of quilt.  And since she offers each pattern in both 12" and 6" sizes, it gives a lot of directions to go with color and even size.  I had decided already to do the 6" blocks just because I like doing them.  

I had several fabric choices running around in my head all morning while I was working at my computer, but just couldn't decide.  Should I make it patriotic like Lori Holt?  Totally scrappy? Bright colors?  But then I had a fun text conversation with a friend about the sew-along, and that helped me make up my mind.  She shared the 3 fabric choices she, her daughter, and her grandson are using. Their blocks all look fabulous.  Thank you Pam for helping me choose!!  I miss my quilting friends as much as I miss everyone else so it was great to have this conversation.  

I decided that as much as I like the patriotic colors, I've done a lot of sewing with them the past few months.  So I went back to the bright color idea.  This little Fat Eighth bundle of Blueberry Park has been calling my name and since I'm making the small 6" blocks it should be enough - hopefully.   I bought enough white background last week to not have to make the background scrappy. 

I only got one of the blocks made last night but it's pretty cute in a burgundy and yellow.  It's going to be another hot day so after work I plan to hide out in the basement sewing room to make the next star block for this, and make more progress on the 6th Grade blocks too.  


  1. i love that blueberry park line....excellent'll be gorgeous!

  2. The stars will be spectacular in those colors. Have fun!


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