
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Another birthday boy

The oldest grandson Mason had his "golden" birthday yesterday. He was 9 on the 9th and the party was a loud one.  But everyone had fun.

There were cousins from both sides of his family plus a couple of neighbor friends. And dad grilled burgers and hotdogs to go along with the salads and chips. And the cookie cake even had a REAL golf ball on it.

Mason loves to golf, fish and kayak.  They are an outdoorsy family. But he also loves to play chess and put together Legos.  He'll be in 3rd grade next year.

Happy birthday Mason!!

On a side note - it was pouring rain about the time the cake and root beer floats were served.  But mom and dad had tables set up in the garage for all the kids so it was OK.

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