
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Stormy day sewing

Beginning about 9:00 pm last night severe thunderstorms with wind, rain, hail, rain, tornadoes, rain and more rain rolled through here.  It's 11:00 am - 14 hours later - and we are still getting waves of wind and rain.  I am one of those people who freak out and sit in the basement during a tornado warning. And I'm married to a guy who stands out on the porch.  I finally went to bed about 2:30 this morning but a little after 6:00 am we got really bad wind and torrential rain again.  I will need a nap soon I think.

And I should say that we were very lucky.  We have one big branch down in our back yard, but people all over town have whole trees down and no power.  Boats flipped over on the lake that is barely a mile away.  So I'm counting my blessings - and spent a little time sewing this morning because it relaxes me.  Now I need to wrap a birthday gift for my grandson before we head to Sioux Falls for his birthday supper later today.  

The binding is attached to Smack Dab in the Middle (a Kim Diehl project).  This little quilt is only 24" square, so it shouldn't take me long to hand stitch that binding down.  I also have a child sized quilt to bind, but that is for another day.

A second pink Twinkle Star block is now added to the growing collection. There are 10 total blocks so far in pink, green, blue, orange, and teal.  Two of each color.  These are 9" blocks finished.  So cute!!!  

And I did a little work on the pink Bead blocks.  I'm using 2 charm packs for these blocks, and will add a few similar types of prints for colors not found in those charm packs.  Ironically there are 7 pink charms.  I cut the pieces for 3 of the pink blocks.  One charm stays whole for the center, and the other matching charm gets 2 corner squares cut.  These go together so fast. 


  1. I love that Twinkle block!! So sorry for the storms and glad you had minimal damage.

  2. Love the Twinkle Stars! They would be striking in R,W,B for a QOV. sad to see so many damaged trees around town today from last night’s wet, heavy snow. Maintenance guys were welding chainsaws today, and trimmed,trimmed, and trimmed even more. The area looks like a herd of hungry giraffes had a dinner buffet.


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