
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Breaking quarantine

No sewing at all happened yesterday but it was still a really good day.  Because both of our daughters work in large hospitals (respiratory therapist and occupational therapist), we have been very careful about any kind of visits during this Covid-19 situation.  Until yesterday . . . when we broke quarantine to celebrate Jack's 5th birthday.   He took a big cookie cake to daycare with him and the daycare teacher posted this wonderful photo of him.  The funny thing is he insisted on calling us at 7:00 am on the way to daycare to make sure we knew it was his birthday and to ask if we were coming to his party.  

We briefly visited - from front yards - both families the week before Easter.  And the older daughter and kids visited us a couple of weeks ago, again from the yard. But beyond that we have not seen each other in person for a long time, like many families.  We've maintained proper social distancing all of this time. But yesterday I got hugs from both grand-kids and my younger daughter.  It was wonderful to be able to do that finally.  My son-in-law also has a birthday this week.  He turns 40 tomorrow and they are celebrating by closing on a house, and then spending the weekend painting.  Next week they'll pull up old carpeting and start refinishing some hardwood floors. Move-in will happen later in the month.  They will miss their old neighborhood friends but wanted to get into a smaller town outside of the city. So the kids will be in a smaller school system, but mom and dad can still easily commute to their jobs.   

Earlier in the day my husband had to visit a job site and meet with the client.  I rode along since the birthday party was on our way home.  I mostly stayed in the car and read while he was talking to workers and contractors.  I did go into the client office but we all maintained proper social distance.  Dave and I talked about this being the longest stretch of time without a face-to-face client visit since 1987 when he began to work for his previous company.  Teams, Zoom and Skype have taken the place of personal visits since early March.  He has always traveled a lot until this stay-at-home time frame so I think he was glad to get out of his home office for the day.   


  1. Happy Birthday to Jack and your SIL! Happy to hear you were able to attend the party and were able to give and receive hugs, too.

  2. I love that he called you to make sure you knew it was his birthday. Like you could forget :-)


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