
Friday, June 5, 2020

Home Sew Home pillow

A cheery new bench pillow has taken up residence on my family room sofa, and it has a nice summery feel to it.  This began life as a row kit from the 2017 Row By Row experience. I picked up the kit in Manchester Iowa, and loved it enough to make it very soon after arriving home from my little road trip.  It has been draped over a hanger in my sewing room closet for 3 years waiting to become something.

Mostly it's very traditional blocks - flying geese, house, and bowtie/spool blocks. And then the little section of embroidery was added, to bring out the theme of "On The Go".  I added a narrow border and a slightly wider border to make this fit the pillow form.  This bench pillow is 16" x 38", and I quilted it myself with simple matchstick lines about 3/4" apart. 


  1. I ❤️ everything about this pillow - design, blocks, colors, and fabrics!

  2. That is a sweet pillow! Great way to finish up that row by row project!

  3. I’ve been thinking about using a bench pillow on the sofa. Since we don’t have a porch bench. Thanks for validating that idea! What a great idea to use the row by row blocks! I might have a few hidden away! LOL!


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