
Monday, July 27, 2020

Design Wall Monday - July 27

How did it get to be the last week in July already?  Part of me wants time to slow down - and the other part of me wants to zip forward to summer 2021 and hoping that life has returned to normal by then.

What's on my Design Wall this morning?  Pieces and parts for masks are cluttering up my design wall, and my cutting station, and even the ironing board.  So my goal this week is to get those all made and in the mail to the various households.  

One of the things I've been searching for this month is a UFO that I wanted to focus on in August.  This is a Rail Fence, but the blocks are 20" square.  This is an OLD project that I maybe even started in the previous house, making it at least 14 years old.  There are 8 of them and I knew they were "somewhere" in my sewing room along with a dark brown that I had planned to use as sashing and borders.  But until last night, I hadn't found any of it. 

The whole project was folded together but not in a project box or bag.  It was sitting on the back of a shelf in my cutting station cabinet. And the really amazing thing is I had sketched a plan for this quilt, and that little piece of paper was also folded in with the blocks. 

So, this project will go onto my August goal list and it needs to be a priority before it gets any older. 

Check out a few more design walls today:


  1. I used those same fabrics in a quilt years ago! It will feel good to have this one done.

  2. Persistence pays off! Happy that you found this project and hope that you are able to finish it next month.

  3. Hi Sara,
    I agree - sometimes I wish it was 2021 and the year 2020 was history, but the new month of July might bring some peace. I'm glad you found the old project, and that your plan for assembly was with it. That makes it so much easier. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Quilts, Judy


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