
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Weekend sewing

Saturday was spent mostly making masks.  I made a set of 6 masks using this Minnesota Shop Hop fabric (I think) from a few years ago.  They will go in the mail this next week for some of my Minnesota family members and the ones visiting from Virginia.  What could be more Minnesota than mosquitoes?  I also made 10 masks for a friend and her kids.  And I cut out a dozen more for my grandkids.  I waited to see how the first ones fit before making any more, and it's good that I did because the first ones were too big for a couple of them.  

It's still really humid outside, and I don't feel well in the humidity, so I'll be staying indoors again today. I'm working on binding a quilt.  All Roads Lead to the Middle (formerly called 6th Grade which made no sense) has a familiar backing.  I've used this backing before on a Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt.  It's ideal for something multi-colored because . . . well, because it's multi-colored too.  I just think it's so cheerful and was very glad the shop still had this backing.  I'm using orange binding, not from the same fabric line but it is the right color orange.  I'll show off the finished quilt when it's all bound.

I can't wait for next weekend, because our guild plans to meet for the first time since March.  The plan is to meet in a park, bringing our own lawn chairs and lunch.  And bringing show n tell.  I'm guessing some of our members could fill a grain wagon with the quilts they've finished during this pandemic. Show n Tell should be amazing!! 

I actually missed both the February and March meetings because I was out of town, so I can't wait to see some of these gals again.  Sadly, we did lose one long-time member while in quarantine.  She passed from cancer, and will definitely be missed by the group as she always had something interesting to share.  


  1. That is great mask fabric...perfect Minnesota!! Hot and less humid here today and tomorrow might be just about perfect...I hate the humidity too:(

  2. The mask fabric is adorable! It's hot and humid here, too, so I'll be sewing inside. Happy stitching!


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