
Friday, July 24, 2020

This n That

Very little time has been spent in my sewing room this week as I've worked a lot more hours than usual. But . . . a girl has to take a break sometime, and it was Crazy Days in town today.  There wasn't really anything I needed, except for some time petting fabric.  So my main stop was The Pin Cushion where I treated myself to a kit for a Quilt of Valor. I've been admiring - and coveting - this one since they hung it up as a display.  This will be fun to make.

And I returned home just in time to meet my mail delivery, and I had 2 packages.  One package was some football themed fabric I ordered for boys' masks. But the other was from Mari and came all the way from the state of Maryland.  We are both educators and quilters, and have discussed online that we've both been doing lots of puzzles during the pandemic.  Mari offered to send me a puzzle, and I think a trade is in order.  She also sent me a couple of cute pieces of fabric for more mask making.  Thank you Mari - and sometime next week I'll be sending a box in your direction.   


  1. You’ll enjoy making the Daring Spirit QOV. That’s the pattern I used for the Army panel.

  2. Oh, what fun! New fabric and a puzzle. I have been doing online puzzles, but just not as challenging because they have so few pieces!


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