
Monday, July 6, 2020

Design Wall Monday

What is on your design wall today?  My design wall today is full of random blocks for various projects.  I've linked up to:

I'm late posting this because we had an electrician here this morning replacing some things and the power was off. That meant, no wireless network, no Internet connection, no lights - you get the picture.  But everything is back on now, so here goes . . .

These top 2 blocks are the July blocks for Saturday Sampler.  We are nearly done, so I am planning to look over the final layout and maybe put some of the sections together.  

Another block for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is now done.  It's a reverse block and the color is kind of peachy.  The color for July is actually bright blue, but I already have bright blue Ohio Star blocks, so I decided to just add in a reverse star or two this month in whatever color I want.

I do make 2 bright blue blocks in the Gingham pattern this morning.  I have 13 of these so far - with a second teal (or aqua) block still missing.  These gingham blocks are so fun and I may need to lay them all out to see how they will look together. There really isn't a solid plan yet for them. 


  1. The variety of block sets you have in progress are fun. I particularly like the gingham blocks.


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