
Thursday, July 2, 2020

New 60 degree runners

I had cut the pieces for 3 new 60 degree runners, which are one of my favorite quick projects.  And I have a real weakness for border prints.  I can't resist when I see a fun border print.  

Today I sewed them up while waiting for the electricians and AC installers to arrive - while I still have electricity.  Two of the 3 of these are PIGS because the fabrics were in a bag in a drawer waiting.  The patriotic one is totally new - of fabric I bought yesterday.  As I said, I just can't resist a great border print. 

The geranium runner is my favorite of the 3 because the fabric is just gorgeous. I bought it last summer on the guild bus trip.  My friend Sylvia picked me up at the Amana Colonies and we made a side trip to Kalona Iowa.  This kits was wrapped up so cute.  There is a geranium print intended for the backing but it's too pretty to hide on a back.  And look at the tiny watering cans on the selvage!   

Each of these runners are about the same length, but the width really depended upon the width of the border print itself.  This one is about 24" wide.  

The patriotic print is the one I just bought yesterday, and it's the reason I just had to sew these all up today.  Seeing that print at The Pin Cushion just put me in the mood to make the 60 degree runners right away.  

And finally, the other PIG runner - Scaredy Cats.  Both the patriotic and cat runner are only about 21" wide.  And I had a grey spider web backing and orange binding folded up with this, but I think I'll save that spider web - again why hide a cute print on the back of something where it will never be seen.  So I believe all 3 of these runners will get a plain backing of some kind, like muslin maybe. 


  1. Fun and beautiful fabrics! I can see why you couldn’t resist them. The geranium fabric made an elegant runner.

  2. very nice and quick to make it seems...

  3. Oh my goodness, I cannot choose a favorite! The geraniums are really lovely!

  4. I agree..there's no need to use pretty fabric on the backs of table runners, especially those that you keep for yourself.


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