
Friday, July 17, 2020

It's Friday already!

Early spring at the Corn Palace - photo "borrowed" from their Facebook page.

I'm not sure where my week has gone and I'm not really ready for a hot steamy weekend.  I stole the photo above from our local tourist attraction's Facebook page.  We only live a few blocks from the Corn Palace.  It is an interesting place - technically a city auditorium hosting concerts, sports, graduations, etc.  But it's also a celebration of agriculture.  And the murals outside and inside are made using locally grown corn and grasses.  And it sees 10s of thousands of visitors each year.

Yesterday afternoon I was stopped at the pedestrian crosswalk in front and noticed nearly every person out on the sidewalk or sitting in the plaza, or visiting the little shops across the way - was wearing a mask.  Nearly everyone!!  I was amazed and pleased to see that.  Wish I had thought to take some pictures. 

But there was this one kid - looked about 12 and he was wearing bright green, full length, FUZZY footie pajamas!!! It was 90 degrees outside but he strutted down the sidewalk looking happy.  There must be story there.  

Not sure I'll have time to post this weekend as I have 2 grandkids arriving this afternoon to stay for the weekend.  Their parents and other grandma will be working on her house in another town, getting it ready to sell.  So we are keeping the kids out of their hair.  And this morning I need to get a few more adult masks made - and prep some kid ones to finish.  I need to make sure the one I made for Sophia actually fits before finishing any more for her. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish more people here were wearing masks, but sadly they flatly refuse. UW has mandated masks on campus- indoors and outdoors for staff, students, and visitors. COVID cases are steadily increasing but the resistance to masks seems even stronger. Strange and dangerous times.


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