
Thursday, July 16, 2020

This 'n That

In between work hours this week, I'm back to making masks. Most schools are going to require them so I'm making masks for my 5 elementary school grandchildren and for a friend's high school age kids.  I had been just making the ones with ties, but with younger kids, like Jack in preschool, those ties will be difficult.  So I got some elastic and will convert those to having the elastic loops instead of the ties.  Not a huge problem.  Picking out fabrics for the little kids has been fun especially the little girls.  These tie masks will get loops of elastic replacing the ties, but I want to do some "fitting" on 2 grandkids this weekend. 

I decided to finally try the flatter shaped masks too, and discovered that size really matters more with those.  The brown one in the back used one pattern identified for men.  It's too big for my husband's face but might fit one of my sons-in-law who is a bigger guy.  The black one with stars is too small for him but fits me.  It's a different pattern but tweaked a bit to add some width.  The blue one might fit a middle school kid.  And I put elastic on a brown pleated mask too.  That one does fit my husband.  He has decided he might actually have to start wearing his occasionally.  

I can't speak for anyone but me - but I prefer the fit of the pleated masks because I feel like it allows a bit more air flow.  The others fit so close that they make me feel somewhat claustrophobic.  But I'm sure I would get used to it.  Anyone comparing opening Walmart to opening schools has obviously never been in a high school hallway between classes!  I'll admit I'm kind of relieved that the classes I'm still teaching were already 100% online.  Going back to school is so critical, but yet very scary.


  1. For schools to successfully reopen, a LOT of procedures will need to change. I’m relieved that I’m retired. I like the flat masks because they don’t fog my glasses, but the pleated ones do fit and feel better.

  2. I agree that is important but scary with schools opening. I can't imagine the kids wearing a mask all day.


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