
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Jackrabbit blue


My latest Ohio Star is Jackrabbit blue - royal blue.  The brighter and darker blues for Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month are not very abundant in my stash.  I'm not sure why either, because it's one of my favorite colors.  Jackrabbit blue and gold - I have lots of shirts in my closet in those colors for when I go cheer on my alma mater teams.  And royal blue and orange were the school colors where I taught and my kids went to school.  

There are 23 of these blocks now in my collection.  Some have white stars, but most have a white background and colored stars.  I plan to mix them in the quilt when I've made enough.  


  1. I have very little blue in my stash, too, and I really like blue. Your Jackrabbit blue is one of my favorites.

  2. Since I make so many QOV , my stash of blue and red are growing.

  3. Jackrabbits from South Dakota State?

  4. Love it! Royal blue is the best of the blues, in my opinion.


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