
Friday, July 31, 2020

July in the rear view mirror

Summer always goes by way too fast, and July flashed by like always.  My July goals were very ambitious - but I did pretty well - considering!!  The first half of the month I hardly worked any hours at all meaning I had lots of sewing time, but the second half my work hours mushroomed dramatically.  I just keep reminding myself that working part time brings me money to spend on my hobbies. LOL

  • 2 Saturday Sampler blocks - DONE
    • begin sewing sections for Saturday Sampler quilt - didn't happen!
  • cut sashing for Patriotic Stars quilt -DONE & at quilter 
  • finish binding Oh My Stars (UFO) DONE
  • quilt at least 1 of the 60 degree runners I made in June DONE
  • make 1 of the Quick Strippee quilt tops (kits put together in June) - didn't happen!
  • make last 3 blocks for the Lori Holt sew-along - didn't happen!
  • Pick a PIG - Simple Whatnots project called Potting Shed - applique in progress
  • put together the bright Ritzy Cracker blocks into a child size quilt (forgotten UFO) 
    • - sewing blocks into pairs is in progress
  • Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks - bright blue
    • Ohio Star -  DONE
    • Diamond Tile - didn't happen!
    • Twinkle Star - didn't happen!
    • String block - didn't happen!
    • Gingham - DONE
    • teal/aqua Gingham block from previous month (1) DONE

And then there were things that didn't appear on my goal list that required sewing.  Like masks for my grandchildren to wear to school. And masks for a friend's kids. And masks for family.  Lots and lots of masks, and then more masks. 


  1. You made good progress this month! There are more masks in my sewing future, too.

  2. i've been keeping a list since corona pandemic started...helpful to look back and see what has been done...keep up the good work

  3. I could make a list...but I like to freestyle! Your masks are very important! You did get some things done...all the while working...way to go!


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