
Saturday, August 1, 2020

August goals - more realistic, maybe

I seem to walk a wobbly line between crazy ambitious goals and goals that are more realistic. July was a bit ambitious because I wasn't working much at the beginning of the month and had plenty of time to sew. But then I worked a LOT of hours the second half of the month and had lots less time to sew.  Plus the mask making took over my sewing as well.

Here is my less crazy list of goals for the month of August:
  • Clean up my sewing room!!!
  • Finish binding quilt - All Roads Lead to the Middle
  • Finish the masks for the grandkids
  • Make final 3 Saturday Sampler blocks
  • sew the Saturday Sampler blocks into a flimsy
  • UFO focus - Big Rail Fence quilt - sew into a flimsy
  • finish applique on Potting Shed (Kim Diehl)
  • Make RSC blocks for month (color??? red?? yellow?? purple??)
    • Ohio Star
    • Gingham (2)
    • Twinkle Star (2)
    • Rainbow String
    • Diamond Tile

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