
Monday, August 3, 2020

Design Wall Monday - an old UFO

This Rail Fence quilt is an old, old UFO and I've been looking for it off and on this summer.  It's been on my UFO list for more than a couple of years.  I finally found it last week and this is what is on my design wall today.  I mentioned in a post last week that the blocks, the background, and even a sketch of my planned layout was all folded together and shoved onto a shelf.  And there it lay, totally forgotten except for being on my UFO list.  It is time to get this finished and out the door. 

My original sketch from many years ago had 4" sashing between each of the 20" rail fence blocks.  But as I've played with the layout, I like it much better without that sashing.  Here it is - before rearranging some of the blocks for color balance.  I do think that I'll add another dark brown border around the outside.  I have plenty of the brown left so I can make the outer border any size I choose. 

After lying around in neglect for years, this project could end up being an easy finish.  And I like how it will look, even though the colors are NOT my favorites.  So, this is my main UFO project goal for the month of August.  I want to see this become a finished top, ready to quilt. 

What is on your design wall today?


  1. scrappy triple irish chain...bought the background 7 years ago so it's

  2. It will be a great finish! I like the dark brown with the blocks, too.

  3. I have quilts being quilted, and a few masks to make. Good luck on finally getting that project finished!

  4. Persistence pays off! I’m glad you found the missing UFO and will soon have it checked off your list.


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