
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Not much progress

Olivia's masks are made, along with a couple of her brothers' masks.  The bicycles and zebras are my favorites.  These are all reversible with something plainer on the backs. I had 15 of them cut out and started on Sunday.  I'll keep plugging away at these in the evenings after work, but I need them done so I can take them with me on Saturday when I go see the kids.  

New pieces of Velcro was put onto a Barbie dress for Olivia.  There is also her favorite furry critter backpack to repair.  The zipper came loose from the fake fur outside.   

And one corner of my Rail Fence quilt is sewn together, with the hope of sewing another diagonal row during my lunch break today.  

Today I really really want to sew, but I have some work deadlines taking priority this week just like the past 2 weeks.  It's "closeout" time for some projects, and after staring at a computer all day I haven't felt like sewing.  

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