
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Finally - All Roads Lead to the Middle is done

 Putting that last stitch into the binding of a quilt always feels so good.  It only took me 3 weeks to actually finish binding this one.  It was a PIG (project in grocery sack) that I pulled out of a drawer back in May, and I'm very pleased it never got a chance to be a UFO. 
This quilt was a pattern in a book called Precut Primer from Me & My Sister, and the colors are all part of a jelly roll called Mirage (RJR Fabrics).  The pattern name is actually 6th Grade, but it's my quilt and I've renamed it.  The background is a light silvery grey, and I used an orange - not from the same fabric line - for the binding.  It's about 78" square, so a decent size. 


  1. Nice! And doesn't a finish feel good?!

  2. Oh, I really like this quilt! And love your name. Thank you for the info on where the pattern can be found. Congrats! on a great finish!

  3. It looks great, so glad you finished her up.

  4. What a beauty this one is! Well done!

  5. Congrats on the finish! Beautiful quilt.


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