
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ohio Stars collection

 There are 24 of the Ohio blocks so far.  The colors are much brighter than my photo, and I do like the mix of blocks that have the colors reversed.  There are only 6 of the reversed blocks, but they do look good mixed in with the others.  I know I want this quilt much bigger, so I'll just keep making them.
This is only 1 of several sets of Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks that I have going this year, and actually I started them last year for RSC.  Definitely, the Ohio Star is one of my favorite blocks.  When my sewing time is limited or my attention span is short, sewing a block or two provides just what I need. 


  1. Ohio Star is basic-but-versatile -- your light/dark contrast add interest to the design. Are these 9"?

  2. This looks great. I like the reversed colored blocks in this one a lot.

  3. I like the reversed colors in there too!


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