
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Finally - some Saturday Sampler progress


Over my lunch break on Tuesday I managed to finish building the very last big block for the Saturday Sampler quilt.  The big blocks are 24”, and all the rest are 12”.  In the poor light you can’t see the subtle color contrast in the center of this block, but it is navy and dark green.  Or black and dark green - I can’t tell the difference for sure. 

This is going to be a large quilt if I add the borders on that the pattern calls for.  I haven’t really made a decision about those borders yet.  While I contemplate the borders, I have it laid out on the living room floor so I can take my time arranging the colors a bit.  


  1. I like the mix of colors and block sizes. Hard to imagine this in 30s reproductions, as the batiks look so good.

  2. Move the one dark green square to the right corner...just my non quilting 2 cents worth! I love this quilt!

  3. Very pretty! Love how these all go together.


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