
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Little frustrations

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Why do people waste so much time posting comments to blogs like mine?  I have a limited readership, so it's not like 1,000s of people will see the comment and follow the links.   

For a couple of years now, every couple of months I would get a flood of comments on really old posts - most likely computer generated - supposedly selling weird "knock off" sunglasses, shoes, etc.  I never followed the links to see if that was really what they were selling.  Maybe the links would have installed malware on my computer to steal my data.  Who knows!!  But I would see the email notifications of the comments and just delete them.  I changed the settings on my blog so any comments on posts over a week old would need approval by me.  That seems to have mostly taken care of those.

Now lately I've been getting pornographic comments - with links to follow of course - showing up the same way.  And I see each week I get new followers through Bloglovin who have no real identity that I'm sure are not interested in quilting.  I'm so tired of people with bad intentions.  And it wastes my precious time!!  

OK - my rant is done!!  I need to finish prepping my online class materials today, as classes begin tomorrow with students (for Job #1).  Then I have 4 telecom project budgets and about 25 contractor invoices to process (Job #2) - before I can go sew.  


  1. I’ve clamped down on comment approval, too. It does help, but the spammers still try. I also get the weird Bloglovin followers, but that doesn’t bother me because I can ignore them. I all but closed my hotmail account due to HUNDREDS of spam email a day. Reporting them became a hassle, and complaining did no good.

  2. I know what you mean, often comments pop up relating to rather old blog posts here too. When I started blogging, hubby set it up for me to have all comments moderated, so I can delete (without posting) any strange ones, people trying to sell stuff, or ones you know just aren't interested in stitching.

  3. I have had those too, so very annoying! I have all comments moderated so I can just delete those fishy comments.

  4. I feel your pain and wish there was a solution. Maybe someday.

  5. Yes i agree.i block them from the blog then delete their post as most are trying to have you click a link for malware. Idiots. Wish there was a tellin on you button so whomever carries their account will block them. They would have to go thru work to get back on.


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