
Monday, August 17, 2020

Design Wall Monday - August 17

I never saw my sewing room at all this weekend and that is OK because I had other fun, which I will explain later. But I was able to spend an hour in there this morning before work, and got a great start on the final block for Saturday Sampler.  This is a 24" block, with a border surrounding a 12" star block that looks kind of like a Carpenter's Star. 

All of the parts and pieces are cut and organized.  I've begun sewing those half square triangles making up the center star.  The contrast with the dark green and navy (I think) batiks is very subtle, but I've seen the block finished and am confident that it works just fine.  The benefit of working from home - I might get more sewing done over my lunch break.  

What is on your design wall this morning?

And this is the reason I didn't do any sewing this weekend.  GOLF!!  We had a gorgeous weekend - mid 80s, no wind howling across the prairie, and tolerable humidity levels.  So Saturday my husband and I played golf, and yesterday we met our older daughter's family at a small town golf course midway between our homes.  

The kids have all been taking golf lessons for a couple of years now, so everyone golfed 9 holes.  Then the guys played another quick 9 while Jerilyn and I hung out with the kids eating pizza on the clubhouse deck.  When the kids were little we could rent 2 carts and get the little ones tucked in with us. But now that they are all getting bigger and have clubs themselves, we had to do 3 carts.  Jonah told me as soon as he got out of the car, that he was riding with Grandpa because he figured Grandpa would let him drive the golf cart.  He was right - but all 3 got to drive on some holes.  

It is wonderful that we can feel reasonably safe, keep social distancing and still get out and do some fun things with the family.  We avoided them completely for a couple of months mostly because our daughter is a respiratory therapist in a big hospital, and worked with Covid patients daily.  But their staff has remained healthy this summer as proof that the steps their hospital took is keeping them safe at work.  And at home they are a family that prefers to hike, kayak, and golf rather than go out into crowded spaces.  With school starting for them in about 10 days however, that may all change.  In the meantime we got to enjoy some fun family time together. 


  1. We have enjoyed golf this summer, too! Nice to have a favorite activity that is outdoors and naturally socially distant. Nice that you got to play with your daughter and family! That is an amazing block you're working on - looks like it could be a quilt all by itself!

  2. Take every opportunity you can to spend time with family, especially during these crazy and unsettling times. Safe visits are possible. The new sampler block does resemble a Carpenter’s Star and will be lovely in those fabrics.

  3. Yeah for family is important!

  4. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend. We avoided my family as well, but over the summer have seen them a few times to ride horses. We've all stayed healthy. We've also done quite a bit of camping as we don't go to others sites.


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