
Thursday, August 13, 2020

A squirrel trying to get my attention

Lots of extra work hours lately have kept me from spending much time actually sewing, except in short bursts.  But as I'm tired in the evenings I do spend time online with my iPad getting inspiration from quilt blogs and pattern sites.  And as my regular readers know I have a weakness for border prints. 

Aren't these fun border prints?  The wine print may have a new life as another Sew Together bag, and all of them will make some cute 60 degree table runners.  I just can't resist a really interesting border print.  And these squirrels are trying lure me away from my desk to play.  Maybe over the weekend I'll take some time to cut into at least one of them.   


  1. They are all great, but the turkey is my favorite. Thanksgiving is a holiday that seems to get lost in all the pre-Christmas chaos.

  2. Love those border prints, especially the moose wearing boots!

  3. Hope you get some time to work with them! :)

  4. Oh those are adorable prints. Love love them


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