
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Saturday Sampler progress

Saturday Sampler is one of my favorite activities at The Pin Cushion - partially because we make just a block or two at a time and often learn new techniques, and partially because we get to enjoy the social aspects.  We meet the second Saturday morning each month, but of course that all ended in March.  Now we just pick up our block patterns and basic fabrics each month, without getting to enjoy Show n Tell or chat with the other gals in the group.  I really miss that part.  

This Saturday Sampler included a mix of 12" blocks and 24" blocks.  We made 2 of the smaller blocks each month, and then made the bigger blocks every couple of months.  Most were pieced and a few had some applique.  These are the final 12" blocks.  The purple is actually a much brighter color but the light was very grey due to rain when I finished this early yesterday morning.  Now I just need to make the last 24" block, and make the remaining little flying geese blocks for the border.  I have 16 out of 120 of those done.  

The big and little blocks will go together in sections.  I only have one section done so far.  My fabric choice was batiks and my backgrounds are all different light batiks.  The other fabric choice was 30s reproduction fabrics, which I adore.  So I've been a bit remorseful that I didn't choose the 30s instead because I've been seeing how pretty those blocks are too.  Not that I couldn't have just made a second set of blocks from my 30s stash.  I certainly have plenty to choose from.  


  1. Even though I like 30s reproduction fabrics, I would have chosen the batiks. The rich tones of batiks are gorgeous together.

  2. I love batiks and these blocks are beautiful.

  3. I like the batiks also...this will be a beauty of a quilt!

  4. The batiks are going to make a gorgeous quilt! I spy bits of PURPLE, too.


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