
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Block of the Month programs

Do you follow any Block of the Month or other Sew Along programs online or at a local shop?  I love a good BOM whether it's online or in person.  I follow some online without participating, but participating is usually lots of fun.  One of my favorite private Facebook groups began with a BOM.  

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color this month is red, and I have several different blocks happening with this program this year.  This red Ohio Star just makes me smile.  It's so cheerful.  I think I may make one more red one with the colors reversed. Just because I love red.  

And my 2 red Gingham blocks are done too.  Red bandanna print frames the first one.  And the second one has a little Christmas candy showing up.  The fun thing with both of these blocks is that I should have plenty of each for 2 finished quilts.  My other RSC blocks are not as plentiful - yet.

Block of the Month projects make me happy.  I can work on something "new" each month that doesn't take a lot of time. And at the end you have enough blocks to make a whole quilt or sometimes more than one.  The Rainbow Scrap Challenge (online) and the Saturday Sampler (local) programs both keep me motivated.  

There really isn't any pressure with the RSC because I'm working out of my stash and at my own pace.  If I don't get a block done that month, no problem.  The Saturday Sampler provides something new each year.  Sometimes it's a mystery; sometimes we see the finished product before we begin. Sometimes we "shop our stash" and sometimes we get our main fabrics through the program.  RSC challenges us to dig into the scraps and hopefully use them up.  And like most quilters, sewing out of my scrap bins doesn't seem to reduce the volume of them. 

Online, I follow Bonnie Hunter, Pat Sloan, Lori Holt - sometimes participating, and sometimes just getting inspiration.  


  1. Good morning, Sara -- my guild has a BOM. I sign up each year ($10) though sometimes the themes don't appeal to me so I don't participate. Other times I'm so excited at what develops that I eagerly anticipate each new block. I was in Block Lotto online for a number of years and really enjoyed it. It closed down at the end of 2019 but I am still in touch with a number of fellow BLers. RSC provides the opportunity for self-directed projects. It's fun to see what blocks/units each person chooses to make during the year!

  2. I haven’t work on a BOM challenge in years, but I enjoyed the ones I’ve done. Most were through a quilt shop - buy the first block, bring it in finished in a month and get the next month block free.

  3. I love these BOM's and love following your progress on them. I've done the Quilters planner BOM, with scraps, but not many others. The Sewing Center has a FB group and we do a monthly scrap challenge. This year we're doing quilt tops from the little $2 patterns. Each month has a quicky quilt that uses stash. I haven't done well at making all of them, but it's been fun to pull fabrics.

  4. Love the red blocks they are so cheerful!

  5. pretty blocks...have ignored all sew alongs to concentrate on UFOs...

  6. Oh, I love the Ohio Star! No BOMs for me this year, though I have enjoyed them in the past. Good for a pandemic!

  7. The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is my favorite Link Party. Your RED blocks are perfect for September's Color of the Month, Sara!

  8. Sorry to hear that sewing up scraps isn't reducing the volume. Scraps do seem to keep multiplying, don't they. Glad that some fabulous blocks got made in the process though.

  9. Your red blocks are so delightful! Red is such a cheery color anyway, but your fabrics are divine! Personally, I’ve done a few BOMs, but don’t always enjoy them. One of the local BOMs I tried at a LQS just chose blocks that would help them sell specialty rulers. I want to support them and spend money at their shop, of course, but I wasn’t into purchasing one-trick rulers just to play along. I prefer to hunt out and find my own interesting blocks to make, which is why I love the RSC to help me use up all the scraps!

  10. Your blocks are so pretty in red! It's always fun to see what bits of fabric fit in to everyone's different blocks. I've enjoyed the RSC for the same reason you mentioned - a few blocks at a time is the perfect pace for me!

  11. Such a great idea to use gingham in the nine patches of your blocks, so clever.

  12. You are getting things done even if this was a busy week! Love the reds and you Potting Shed!


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