
Friday, September 18, 2020

Potting Shed is ready to quilt

 Here it is Friday already, and very honestly I haven't been in my sewing room since Monday.  Too many work hours this week, plus a flair up of hip pain bad enough to not want to do stairs.  This morning I'm playing hooky from both jobs and hobbled down those stairs for some stress relief sewing.

Potting Shed (Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots) is now a complete top and ready to quilt.  All I needed to do was add the final 3 sides of the border and sew together the binding strips.  This is a poor photo as it looks a bit lumpy, but it really does lie flat.  Next step is to sandwich with batting and backing - and then quilt it very simply.  Maybe that will happen over the weekend.


  1. Love the little basket. I know how much stress relief it is to sew, so I'm sure the hobble down the stairs was worth it. Have a great weekend.

  2. Another wonderful finish! I love those colors.

  3. Very pretty, know love.y fall colours. I do hope you get some relief from your hip pain very soon. Being in pain can certainly wear you down.

  4. Very nice! Glad you got some "me " time:)


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