
Monday, September 14, 2020

Design Wall Monday - September 14

 Another squirrel has distracted me - just when I thought I was getting my focus back.  

I picked up the latest issue of Block magazine/book (Missouri Star) last week but didn't have a chance to really dig into it until Saturday afternoon.  And inside was a DELIGHTFUL Halloween project involving a Dresden Plate design used as houses.  The pattern has multiple sections curving in different directions, but I'm just playing with 1 section.  None of this is appliqued down yet, but it has been fun to play in my Halloween scraps and stash.  

I'm linking up to Design Wall Monday at:


  1. You have some cute Halloween prints to make your fun houses. I thought I'd look for some Halloween fabrics to make masks since I don't own any.

  2. That is adorable! I can't think of any Halloween fabric I could come up with from stash.

  3. What a fun idea! I can envision a series of houses to celebrate various holidays.

  4. Fun! Sometimes you just have to follow your creativity! Cute houses!

  5. Very cute. Squirrels can be great fun and a black hole stealing our time ... except when something wonderful comes out of it. I need to look for that Block.


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