
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Bringing Home the Tree

Once the pillow form arrives this pillow will look even better, but I love how it turned out. The envelope back is the same green plaid as the front border.  This is about the size of a bed pillow sham.

Two pillowcases are done now too. I have a goal of getting at least 4 made this month. These were all kitted up and ready to go, so they are a quick finish. 

The Scottie dog pillowcase will match a child size quilt that is also kitted up and ready to sew.  The Hot Wheels pillowcase is for grandson Jack for Christmas.  The kids each get a new pillowcase every year in their Christmas stocking.  



  1. Such cute pillowcases! I love your idea of putting them in their stockings.

  2. That is a great idea for Christmas! I will have to tell my Mom as she likes to give small gifts to everyone:)

  3. Love the Hot Wheels pillowcase. Those are different fabrics than I have found here. Mathew loves all kids of cars, so I made him Hot Wheels masks.


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