
Monday, September 28, 2020

Design Wall Monday - September 28

Isn't this a sweet little panel section?  Snowman Meadow by P & B Textiles has been hanging in my sewing room closet since I purchased it.  Yesterday I was looking at my PIGS (Project in Grocery Sack) list to choose one for October - which is coming up quickly.  It's time to do something with this, and a wall hanging for winter is my current plan.  And it will be a good break from the Halloween UFO I'm trying to finish up in October. 

There are 6 different squares this size on the panel, and then 3 little ones.  I'm thinking about using the larger squares as the center of stars, so finding a red or green for star points is next.  Wonky stars would be fun.   

Today I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday at: 


  1. This section of the panel is adorable. I think wonky stars would look great with the images in the center.

  2. Looking forward to seeing your stars come together. It's going to be a cute winter quilt.


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