
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Looking back at September

Yikes!!  Where did my September go?  I had a couple of big finishes, but there are a LOT of things left undone this month as well.  I kept getting sidetracked I guess.  But that is OK because those unfinished projects will just continue into October along with some new projects.  Life is good, right?  

  • Clean ONE AREA in my sewing room!!! - currently sorting books & making progress
  • Bind at least 1 quilt - 
    • either Quilt of Valor (Patriotic Stars) - DONE 
    • or the Rail Fence DONE 
  • Cut out NEW QOV from kit (Daring Spirit) - see photo - didn't happen
  • Quilt and bind the red/white/blue pinwheel table topper didn't happen
  • Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color is red
    • gingham blocks (2) - DONE
    • Twinkle Star blocks (2) didn't happen
    • Ohio Star block (1) - DONE
    • String block (1 red) - DONE + 1 yellow & 1 aqua
    • Diamond Tile blocks didn't happen
  • Make the piano key border on Potting Shed (Kim Diehl) - DONE (quilted & bound)
  • Cut out this month's Simple Whatnots project - Farmer's Market didn't happen
  • Make 4 pillowcases - 2 so far
  • Finish the last 3 Bee Patriotic Sew Along blocks didn't happen
  • UFO - BOO bench pillow - in progress
  • Pick a PIG - Laundry Line (Kim Diehl) for Simple Whatnots didn't finish cutting

Some of the distractions this month included playing with Halloween projects and reading through a lot of old quilting books in preparation of donating them. 

There are currently 35 books in the donate stack.  That bottom shelf is now empty except for the binders, and there is a big basket sitting on the shelf where the books were.  I've begun working on the next shelf up to weed out more books.  I was hoping to take them to guild this weekend to give away, but because our county has explosive Covid-19 numbers right now we've decided to cancel our October meeting.  It's going to be too chilly to meet outside, so this is the responsible thing to do. So the book stack will just continue to grow for now.    


  1. Looks like there is a lot of blue in that list. Good luck on October, we both know how things can get out of hand!! LOL

  2. Congratulations on accomplishing many of your September goals. COVID numbers are increasing by double digits - most cases are university students. All of the groups that I belong to have cancelled meetings, too. It’s the right thing to do right now.

  3. Such a big job to clear out the books. Good for you! It certainly looks like you had a lot of things to work on this past month. AND that you got quite a bit chunk of it done!

  4. That's a lot of progress even though you didn't get to everything on your September list. I culled my quilting books earlier this year, but haven't done much else in the sewing room clean up. Maybe over Thanksgiving as the family doesn't want us to visit this year (our stat is 16th in new cases). Good luck with your plans for October.


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