
Friday, October 2, 2020

Big Rail Fence quilt

 Check it off 3 lists - my September goals list, my 2020 UFO Challenge list, and The Pin Cushion's PHD list.  PHD = projects half done!!  Proof is in the picture - proof to myself for finally finishing this old, old UFO.  Better yet, I have a plan for gifting this quilt.

The PHD challenge hosted by The Pin Cushion has each quilter put 12 projects on their list for the year, and at the end of the year can earn a gift certificate with $5 for each completed project.  This was #11 for me, and I'm happy to say that I'm working on #12 which is my Rainbow String quilt.  

Having a list helps me see what I have hanging out there in limbo, and what I want to work on each month.  The UFO Challenge is hosted by American Patchwork & Quilting magazine and it's fun to get onto Facebook and post a photo of a finish, and see what other quilters are finishing.  

I also keep my own - much longer - list of UFOs, WIPs, and PIGS, and try to set some short term goals each month.  Without a list I have a feeling that I would start something new every week and never finish anything.  But I'm also realistic enough to know I probably couldn't live long enough to sew up all the projects and fabric I have in the stash.  But it will be fun trying. 

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