
Friday, October 2, 2020

There is a plan

I do have a plan for the Rainbow String blocks, and that plan is pretty traditional - simple sashing and cornerstones.  The black sashing actually has little white dots scattered on it. And the cornerstones are from the 2.5” squares I have collected from scraps.  There were plenty of those squares to choose from, but I have actually been using a lot of them lately too.  A very handy size square! 

Anyway . . . I thought I had made 20 of these string blocks, but I found there were actually 25 in the pile.  There are 24 of them laid out in this arrangement, which is a bit long and narrow.  But we'll see how it looks with all the sashing and borders.  And I'll have a pretty string block left over as “seed” for the next set of rainbow strings.


  1. This quilt is going to be so bright and fun. Love the black sashing!

  2. It's going to be a cute quilt.

  3. Pretty blocks! I like the idea of 'seed blocks' for the next quilt. :-)

  4. The black really makes those bright blocks pop! I think black is under-appreciated and under-used (said as I’m looking in the mirror) as a setting color. Anyway, what a lovely grouping!

  5. So pretty, and the black really sets them off! Amazing what you can make from scraps!

  6. Hi, all those scrappy colors..
    Have a great day!

  7. Oh my word how pretty!!!! Great choices and work Sara!

  8. I like the way you are assembling your string blocks, with sashing and cornerstones in between.

  9. Your string blocks really are pretty! I love the layout with sashing and cornerstones like that.

  10. So pretty...great way to use all those scrappy strings. Such a fun quilt.

  11. Classic rainbow string block, Sara... LOVE!!!


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