
Monday, October 12, 2020

Design Wall Monday - October 12

It’s interesting what I find when I’m not really looking for anything.  I have a laundry basket in the corner of my sewing room that holds my little design boards and is where I put random pillowcases that I’ve made for donation. And under that growing stack of pillowcases was a folded bundle.  I was curious because I didn't remember what it was. Surprise!!

This is an OLD Thimbleberries project that was pin basted, and partially hand quilted. I don’t remember what year I started this, but I do know that the quality of the hand quilting was pretty bad. There were knots on the back, wrinkles and puckers on the back, and a huge variety of stitch sizes.  I decided that this needs to be finished, but NOT hand quilted by me.  So I spent a couple of hours picking out that awful stitching.  The pieced backing is saved for something else in the future. 

It’s a really pretty little quilt, and would be much prettier with nice machine quilting.  Much prettier especially than folded up in a laundry basket.  Next step is to find a decent new backing for this.  Ironically, the binding was prepped and ready to add - once the quilting is done.  

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  1. How pretty! I’m glad it was rescued from the bottom of the basket.

  2. I have a hand quilt project stuffed in my closet, a baby quilt I never got done. Baby is probably 4 by now. LOL! Cute pattern.


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