
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday sewing - a rainbow flimsy

My goal for Sunday was to finish putting together the top of Rainbow Strings.  And I was successful in getting that flimsy ready to quilt. I debated about adding an outer border to this one, and that still might happen if I find just the right fabric - full of color.   

Mason's football pillowcase is also now done.  He is a Houston Texans fan, and this is going into his Christmas stocking.  Each of the grandkids get a pillowcase in their stocking every year.  I have 3 of the 5 already made.  

And I use some of the leftover border print from my Fall Blessings table runner, and added it to this rust colored waffle weave towel.  The towel itself has been in the sewing room stash for several years, just waiting for the right fabric to trim it with.  This would make a nice gift, but I may just keep it for myself.  

And I have a "hand work" project going on this afternoon while I watch a little football.  But that may have to wait for a different day to share.  


  1. I really like the cheerful colors of your rainbow quilt! Nice addition to the towel! :)

  2. Your rainbow quilt is so bright and cheery! I just love the black sashing with those bright colors. Great tea towel, too. You should keep it for yourself. :)


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