
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Just one finished block so far


The first of 5 lily blocks for Pleased As Punch is done, and I have the next one half done.  This block is 8.5" square and has 68 separate pieces in it.  That means there will be 340 little pieces in the 5 blocks - which will then be put together with 4 star blocks.  Maybe I need to stop counting the little pieces for this project.  Yikes!!  


  1. Lots of pieces, but the blocks look great.

  2. An attractive block! I’m eager to see the star blocks, too.

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with those blocks that have lots of pieces. Your version turned out beautifully.

  4. That is a very pretty block, love those colors. But oh my they must be teeny pieces!


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