
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Pleased As Punch

 Pleased As Punch is a Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots pattern from Club #9.  I'm a couple of months behind on Club 9, but had set a goal of working on at least one of them in October.  So . . . I've cut all of the strips needed - from 1 black print, 8 cream prints, and 20 assorted colored prints. Lots and lots of strips are cut and organized.

But I'm not just cutting all of the little parts for all of the project at once because I have this fear of messing up the blocks completely.  And oops!!  The second Lily block unit I made had a section wrong.  I did fix this by cutting a new cream 1.5" x 2.5" rectangle and a new green 1.5" square. 

The first Lily block section went together without any problems.  So, there are 2 done and 18 more of these to go - one in each of the 20 colors.  The pattern called for a mix of creams in each of these, but I decided that I'm less likely to mess these up by keeping the creams together.  

There are also a whole set of Star block units for this quilt.  Lots and lots of little pieces, which is normal for a Kim Diehl project.  I know I'll love it once it's done, but this one is stressing me out just a little bit so far.  


  1. I can see why it would be stressful. Do you hang a finished block by your machine so you can see how they go together? I do, and it helps.

  2. My goodness you've been busy!! Love the runners, and the new project is going to be gorgeous.

  3. It's always fun to start a new project and get that first mishap out of the way.


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