
Monday, November 9, 2020

Design Wall Monday - November 9

Sunday afternoon provided plenty of sewing time while watching football.  A binding went onto a snowman themed quilt, and later in the evening I managed to get about 1/3 of that binding flipped and handstitched to the back.

My daughter asked me to make a Christmas stocking for her mother-in-law who lives with them.  I chose a couple of smaller scale prints and made a simple checkboard.  You can't see the quilting in this photo, but I have added a diagonal straight stitching.  The back is a red candy cane print. I haven't decided yet what color to make the cuff - possibly green or maybe red.  Then I can put "G'ma" in white letters on the cuff.  Or I could do a cream cuff with red letters. 

Another project I worked on was the top of a baby quilt - based on a block shown at guild on Saturday.  But I'm going to wait and share that another day.  

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday:


  1. The quilting on the snowman quilt caught my eye. Looks like it is perfect for the subject. Bindings 1/3rd done means there is a finish coming soon. Cute stocking.

  2. I do like the way the quilting shows up on the plaid! Nice design for the stocking.

  3. Love the quilting and the stocking. Sounds like a great Sunday of stitching. I worked on a t-shirt quilt all weekend and have the top together. Lots of secret elfster stitching this weekend too.

  4. Like the other commentators, I like the quilting on the snowman quilt. The plaid shows the design well. I need to find a good pattern to use the Christmas fabric in my stash.

  5. Very fun Christmas stitching. The quilting on your Christmas quilt looks great.

  6. Love the quilting on the Christmas quilt. I bet the binding is finished by now. And just in time for Christmas which is coming fast. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy


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