
Friday, November 6, 2020

One blue snowflake

One of the blue snowflake runners is completely done and ready to go into the mail.  I quilted this with a grey thread in a simple large zig zag, and I do like how it turned out.    

I also did a simple stitch on top of each snowflake to secure them.  These were iron-on, laser-cut snowflakes but I don't trust them not to pull off eventually without the stitching.   

This one is a gift, soon to be headed across the country to its recipient, but I have another one made too.  That one is sandwiched and ready to quilt when I get a chance.  The second version is slightly longer with an extra block.  


  1. very nice....almost makes me like winter!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! I love the snowflakes.

  3. I love this, it would look lovely on my dining room table. If I find any time to quilt for myself this season I just might glean from your lovely inspiration. At the moment I am working on two little girl quilts and one baby boy quilt for my great-grandchildren's Christmas. Got to get done in time to get them in the mail . . . oh boy . . . I better get stitching, LOL. I haven't found fabric for the boy quilt yet . . . not so easy. Thank you for sharing your charming work with us.
    Happy stitching and have a blessed weekend.
    Connie :)

  4. Beautiful finish. Your top stitching enhances the snowflakes.

  5. What cute projects! I love the stitching on the snowflake.

  6. SEW super sweet, Sara!! I don't blame you one bit for not trusting those fusible appliques. I totally would have stitched them down, too!

  7. Those are so pretty! You picked the perfect blue and white fabrics to go with the snowflakes.

  8. Beautiful runners. Love the idea of sewing down the snowflake middles. Stability meets design element! Perfect!


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