
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dark blue includes pillowcases

 This is the end of July, and I've done a lot of sewing with medium to dark blue this month but most of it was with patriotic fabrics.  This week while moving things around in the sewing room, I noticed other things lurking in the project boxes that were dark blue.

Christmas pillowcases!!  This was a fabric line I purchased a few years ago, called Snow Village (Moda).  It made me think of Blue Delft dishes, and I bought a couple of yards specifically to make pillowcases.  Well, they are finally done!  Woot woot!!  And according to my spreadsheet tracking finishes, this makes 22 pillowcases made so far in 2021.  

Doesn't this look like a Blue Delft dish?  It really reminded me of my friend Sylvia's kitchen here in Mitchell - before she moved to Iowa.  She collected these dishes and had them hung above her cabinets where they looked so pretty all year long.  I sure miss socializing in her cozy kitchen! 

OK - What else did I find in dark blue?  This Sew Together bag front, and most of its parts, were in the front of my basket of bag projects.  The pockets, the lining, the ends, and the zippers were all tucked in with the quilted front.  After doing a little inventory I realized that I needed fusible interfacing for the lining pieces, and also needed to find something suitable for the binding and handles.  This should be something I can easily finish in August. 

This is the second Sew Together bag where I've used a license plate from the Row By Row experiences held annually for several years.  I have dozens - yes, dozens - of these fabric license plates.  I picked some up myself during shop hops, and others were shared with me by friends and family who bought them on trips.  I have a couple of other UFO projects hiding away that include these license plates. 

I'm linking up with RSC21 today - check it out.


  1. 22 pillowcases is pretty amazing! I haven't ever tried making any - do you have a favorite pattern or tutorial for them? Using the license plate fabric for a bag is a great idea!

  2. The Christmas pillowcases look elegant in that fabric. I used to have Delftware hanging in my kitchen, too.

  3. That is great fabric! I can see where it reminds you of the dishes. Good luck with the sew together bag. I understand it's very fiddly!

  4. I've never made pillow cases either, one day perhaps. Love the blue Christmas fabric you are using for these.

  5. now that's a good use of the license tag fabrics

  6. Love those blues in the pillowcases! Nicely done!

  7. That's a lot of pillowcases! Great job and yes, that fabric looks like delft dishware.


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