
Friday, July 30, 2021


Other than stepping out onto my porch to water 3 flower pots, I haven't left the house at all since Tuesday noon.  Too hot, too humid, and now it's just too hazy with wildfire smoke in the air!  Thank goodness for hobbies that allow me to stay indoors.  But I'm beginning to feel that same cabin fever as when we're snowed in after a prairie blizzard.  

Yesterday was spent mostly in my sewing room.  I quilted the mini that I've been working on, and have it nearly bound.  I cleaned the second half of the big closet - and pitched more junk.  I sorted out some fabric to donate to the church quilting group.  And I reorganized the overflowing fat quarter bin.  The reward for working on the cleaning was to sew 8 new tulip blocks.  

There are now 24 of these "quad" sections done, and there are enough additional tulips kitted up for a couple more of these sections.  

I still have a ways to go in that cleaning and reorganizing - and got plenty of new motivation about supper time.  My phone rang, and I recognized the name on the caller ID so I took a chance and actually answered it.  The caller was the sister of a lady, who used to belong to a couple of the small quilting groups I belong to.  She stopped coming a few years ago, and we missed her.  The sister was calling to ask me to pass along the news to our guild that all of her sister's quilting "stuff" would be going to auction in late August.

Turns out that her sister (who went to high school with my husband) has had to go into long term care.  It made me so sad!  She never married or had children, so her siblings are now the ones to have to go through her house.  And they are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of sewing supplies and fabric she had from many years of enjoying her hobby.  It made me think about how much my 2 daughters are dreading that process in MY house.  Sewing, books, genealogy materials, and more stuff!!  I really need to keep cleaning out that sewing room!!

The sister of my caller is a very private person, so I never felt I got to know her very well, but we definitely missed her when she quit coming to our group.  

So - after another cup of coffee this morning I plan to return to some cleaning in that sewing room, and also some sewing.  I have a LOT of fabric to use up!  


  1. I'm going to a garage sale for a quilter in our area tomorrow. I know what it is like to get rid of a lifetime of quilting stuff as I did my moms, so I tend to keep mine fairly minimal (although Paul wouldn't agree). I love what I have and rarely buy more, other than for a purpose.

  2. It’s difficult to deal with the accumulation of “stuff” when a loved one has died or is sick. I’ve done it twice, and it doesn’t get any easier. I culled a LOT of my own things when I moved three years ago, and I try to keep a tight rein on the things I purchase.

  3. I can identify. My Mom has quite the stash and has been trying to use it up. Of course I have a yarn stash so who am I to talk:) Hope you make some good progress. The smoke cleared here a bit after supper, what a relief to go out and water!


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