
Friday, August 20, 2021

Back to my Saturday Sampler

 There has been progress this week on the Saturday Sampler quilt.  But since there are 4 borders on this quilt, I still have a long ways to go.  Border #1 is a simple 2" strip of the background and that is done.

Border #2 contains 48 rectangles, with 1.5" squares on 2 corners and a similar corner stone on each corner.  I chose a medium blue with a tiny white flower for those border rectangles.  The pieces for these are all cut and one side is actually ready to attach. 

Border #3 will be another 2" strip of background.   And then . . . I'll have to make a final decision on what to use for the final wide outer border and also for the binding.  

I'm so glad I chose 30s prints for this one!  


  1. I can’t imagine this quilt in any other fabrics: it was obviously designed for 30s reproduction fabrics. It is gorgeous! The blue border is sure cute.

  2. Oh I love the fabric too, perfect for your quilt!

  3. Another fun project. The reproduction fabrics are perfect, they really add to the charm and whimsy of the quilt.


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