
Saturday, August 21, 2021

This n that on Saturday

 Our Sew Vintage group was challenged to use our scraps.  So I pulled out some aqua scraps for RSC's monthly color, and played with them a little.  Since I sew a LOT from my scrap bins, you would think that I would have made a dent in them by now, but NO . . . they seem to just multiply as I sew.  However, I'm really grateful for having those scraps - and the stash - to "shop" in when I feel like it.  

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge:

One aqua Twinkle Star block joins the others hanging in the closet.  I had 17 of them made, but hadn't added any new ones since winter.  I need to continue with these until I have enough for a quilt, but there really is no rush. 

This is the Friendship block pattern that I made earlier in the week for Farmer's Wife Sampler.  I kept thinking how cute these blocks would be done with a theme, like Halloween or Christmas.  Or patriotic.  While the aqua scraps were out I made just one, and it turned out pretty cute.  Both colored triangles can be cut from a single 3.5" square, and the white strip is 1.5" wide.  So . . . lots of scraps to choose from. I have a whole box full of 3.5" squares. 

And one aqua block became 5 aqua blocks, and then an orange one happened, and a pink one, etc. I haven't sewn these together yet because I really haven't decided whether or not to keep making them.  It's an easy block to make, so it just may join the "regular" RSC blocks until I have enough for something worthwhile.  These would make a pretty cute baby quilt - someday.   

While these scraps were laying there I also cut a few Tulip petal pieces to add to what is already cut and ready to sew.  Oops - I haven't sewn any Tulip Time blocks in a couple of weeks.

I really haven't abandoned my Saturday Sampler project while playing with the scraps.  Those Friendship blocks were the leaders/enders in between working on the border for the Saturday Sampler quilt.  I have 24 of the 48 rectangles pieced and the other 24 are in progress. Each one will have 2 tiny (1.5") squares sewn and flipped on corners.  And I'll admit that I got bored with them so the bright Friendship blocks made an excellent distraction between sets of these.  I'm hoping to finish this pieced border tomorrow.  It's pretty quiet around here since my husband is playing in the state Seniors golf tournament, so no one cares if I sew right through lunch time.  LOL

And finally, I just have to stray from the whole topic of sewing briefly . . . to share a back-to-school picture.  My husband's older brother has been a rural county sheriff for about 30 years, and we often joke about him being our local Andy Taylor (Mayberry?).  School started this past week for some districts, and the courthouse is across the street from one K-12 building - also on a busy highway, so he took a lawn chair out and sat on the sidewalk to watch traffic that morning.  He knew a law enforcement presence would slow down most speeders, plus he got to chat with any kids crossing there. He is one of the Good Guys!

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. The Twinkle Star block is very pretty. That's one of my favorite blocks. I've made one quilt with those. I should make another with black as the background. The Friendship blocks are bright and fun too. RSC quilts are some of my most favorite projects.

  2. Those Friendship blocks are really neat - love your photo of all the colors you've made! Do you slice the 3.5 inch square and then insert the white strip? I might have to try one! Love the photo if your brother-in-law, too. That's a great way to make friends with the kids on their way to school.

  3. I love that Twinkle Star block! So pretty! I need to make some of those. And those Friendship blocks are just darling. Yes, a very cute baby quilt would come of those.

  4. Twinkle Star is such a pretty block.

  5. I love the twinkle star, and the friendship block diversion turned out really cute. I think that would be a really pretty quilt!

  6. That Twinkle Star block is wonderful.

  7. Love the aqua square!! Thank your brother in law for being a great presence in a school area!! Love the lawn chair! :)

  8. Love that the sheriff is watching out for the kids and I'm sure they enjoyed having him there. Your blocks look great. I love having a day to myself to sew. I spent Sunday sewing while Mathew played with a friend. I even ripped and trimmed while I took them to the pool. It was such a relaxing day.


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