
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks

 I had last week's blocks, and this week's blocks to make in order to keep up.  And since I have the day off today, I'm playing in my sewing room.

And my morning was productive enough to get this FWS blocks all done.  These are Friendship - which is just a "hair" small, and Flower Basket on the top row.  On the bottom are Farmer's Puzzle and Flower Garden Path.  

This makes 50 blocks out of 111 complete.  We're almost halfway.  Since these blocks are only 6.5" unfinished, it takes a LOT of them to make a full size quilt.  It will be a real accomplishment if I manage to get them all done. 


  1. I have no doubt you’ll get all 111 blocks sewn. I made a quilt using a block similar to Friendship.

  2. That's a lot of blocks under your belt already!


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