
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Halloween pillowcases

 When the grandkids were here the past couple of days I showed them the Halloween pillowcase options I had kitted up and let them choose which one they each wanted.

Jack liked the purple and green glow-in-the-dark monsters.  But Sophia saw this pumpkin fabric that I just recently bought and liked that better than any of the ones I already had cut.  This print really is a fun one, so I can't blame her for choosing it.

Guess that means I should give the other 3 grandkids some choice too.  

I have to work again today - prepping 45 certified letters to be mailed out for an upcoming project.  That means I may not get much sewing done again today.  In fact I'm even writing this post while taking a break from the computer.  Better get back to the work that pays!  LOL


  1. The Grands made great fabric choices for their pillowcases. I’m partial to the glow in the dark monsters.


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