
Monday, August 16, 2021

Design Wall Monday

Two weeks down and 8 blocks made for Bats & Boos - a Fat Quarter Shop Mystery sew-along.   

Week 2 was a pumpkin block with a cute little star in the middle.  I made 2 of them using the black cat print, and the other 2 using a candy corn print.  The cats were in my stash, but the candy corn print was part of a new fat quarter bundle purchased very recently.  This year's Halloween fabrics are the cutest I've seen in years!!

Week 1 was the bat blocks.  I made them all the same, using the glow-in-the dark print for the bat wings and ears.  The background looks white in these photos, but I actually dug out a soft cream from the stash to use for this project.  

The Week #3 block was posted Sunday, but there was no time to work on it or even chose fabrics. The block is a single intricate  star, and the 4 bats and 4 pumpkins will fit around it.  

The other thing that happens on Mondays, is the next 2 Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks posted.  A friend and I are doing this together via Facebook.  I have to admit that I didn't get last week's blocks done.  I only got as far as printing a couple of new templates I needed.  But I'll get caught up this week with all 4 blocks - last week's and this week's.  I refuse to fall any further behind because we still have a LOT of blocks to make and they are turning out so nicely.  This is a picture in the book of one of last week's blocks.  Mine all use leftover scraps from Kim Diehl projects.  

Also this week I plan to get the 3 vertical sections of my Saturday Sampler sewn together.  I had planned to do it last week, but got sidetracked.  And last but not least there will be a new block for Pat Sloan's Summer Soiree posted on Wednesday.  

None of this will happen today however as I have 2 of the grandkids here for the day, and then will be delivering them to mom after work so they can go to their back-to-school open house.  And I’m fitting a pedicure into the day as well.

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday:


  1. The pumpkins are cute! I just saw the new block in the series, and I think the bats and pumpkins will look great with it. The candy corn fabric is sweet. I got a much needed pedicure on Friday - such a luxury to have someone trim my toenails and give me a foot massage. Enjoy your day with the Grands.

  2. The pumpkin and bat blocks are so cute! It's going to be a great sampler!!

  3. I love your blocks so far... perfect fabrics for this project!
    Isn't it a fun mystery!

  4. Have fun with the grandkids! It sounds like you have a plan to get all your blocks done. I am packing for camping, so just a few random bags might get made, if I have time.

  5. Hi Sara,
    Grandkids grow up so fast that it’s good you can spend time with them, the quilting projects can wait. I really like your Halloween blocks….great fabric choices for them. Good job!


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