
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday sewing and planning

 In reflection today, I've decided that last week was really a GOOD week.  Monday my husband and I spent the day in a beautiful setting with some old friends.  That doesn't happen often enough.

Tuesday I sewed all day long, which was really fun.  Wednesday through Friday I had to work, but I did a little sewing at the end of each day.  

Saturday morning I met a friend for coffee and had a good catch-up with her.  And the afternoon was spent meeting with the Sew Vintage group. Yay!!!  Every single one of us who attended expressed how happy we were to finally be meeting again. We missed a couple or regulars, but hopefully they will be back with us the next time.  It's a small group but we definitely enjoy each other's company.  

Remember this selvage I showed recently?  Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without . . . the mantra of our mothers and grandmothers most likely.  Well, our Sew Vintage group leader has challenged us to focus on making something with scraps, and shared some great ideas.  

This is the main scrap project I've been working on this year, and have 24 of these sections made.  Now after Sew Vintage I have some additional ideas of things I may want to do with the abundant scraps living at my house.  The possibilities are endless, and don't always have to result in a big quilt.  

I finished a set of flannel pillowcases for my cousin.  She brought me the flannel to use.  Normally I do all French seams in pillowcases, but quickly realized flannel ended up with a big hard seam line when I did a French seam.  So, I did a simple double stitching line, and hopefully that will work.  Because flannel stretches so much I prewashed and dried this in the dryer before cutting and sewing. They are very, very soft.  

Some other Sunday sewing will have to wait to be shown for Design Wall Monday, tomorrow. But now it's time to go back to some planning for the week ahead while we wait for daughter #2's family to stop in on their way home from their Black Hills mini-vacation.


  1. the tulips blocks are just lovely Sara... so fresh and pretty fabrics chosen

  2. I do like the tulips. The pillowcase fabric is a nifty print. If you don't have a serger you might want to zigzag the edges.


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