
Friday, August 6, 2021

Farmer's Wife Sampler

 We are about 1/3 of the way through the Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks, and I've managed to keep up with making 2 blocks per week, so far.

This week we made Darting Birds and Four Winds.  I love how both turned out.  

In the book, Four Winds didn't have much contrast in colors, but I decided that I wanted those spinning elements to pop.  So mine has lots of contrast, and it looks good.  There are 64 pieces in this block - all cut 1.5".  It would have been very easy to mess this one up, but it went together much better than I expected.  I pressed the pinwheels to the pink, and pressed the seams between those open.  And amazingly it is square and just the right size.  Hallelujah!!


  1. Great blocks. I especially like Four Winds and the contrast components you added.

  2. It's always tough when a block has so many pieces to get it the right measurement. Both of these look great.

  3. Such pretty squares both of them but the Four winds is a real stunner!


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