
Saturday, August 7, 2021

RSC colors - aqua and teal

 After working with so much dark blue during July it was fun to put away the blue and play with the aqua and teal shades for August.  Last Saturday morning I picked a cute aqua print out of the stash to use for the Country Bunny block. But then in the afternoon I went to The Pin Cushion for our Simple Whatnots group, and of course I did some fabric browsing.  Voila!!!!!

A Lori Holt print from her Flea Market line just jumped out at me.  I HAD to buy a half yard so I could use it for the bunny, and also make a few other RSC blocks with it.  It’s a light teal floral, and was just perfect for the bunny block.  I have a “thing” for interesting selvages, and this one is awesome.  Don’t you just love the saying on it?  Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.  That is something my grandmother and mother both said so many times when I was a kid.  Those Depression Era gals really knew how to "use it up".  I may just pin this on my bulletin board.  

This bunny turned out so adorable!  There are 8 Country Bunny blocks so far.  The blocks are 11 x 14".  I skipped making a dark blue one in July because the colors I’ve used so far tend to be more in the pastel range.  We’ll see what the final couple of colors for RSC are, and then decide whether or not to use those colors.  These blocks just make me smile over the cuteness factor.

With the bunny block done I dug into the scrap bins to find aqua and teal options for the house block.  This one leans more to the aqua shades, but it also turned out pretty cute.  I forgot to count, but I think I have 7 of these made.  

I have an idea percolating in my head for finishing these houses that involves using one different block from Pat Sloan's sew-along Home Is.  This house block is the only 1 that I've used from the block set, so far.   But I can picture using 8 of the houses in the Circle of Nine layout, with the "mystery" block in the middle of the circle.  It's one possibility. 

I'm linking up with RSC today
Rainbow Scrap Challenge


  1. Too cute. I want to drop everything and make this bunny (or a hundred) right now. Happy weekend to you :-)

  2. Your bunny really is adorable and I love the selvage, too! Those bunnies will make a fun quilt!

  3. Your bunny is the cutest! My youngest granddaughter used to love a story about a bunny named Chrysanthemum! I think this bunny is Chrysanthemum!

  4. The bunny block is too cute. Gorgeous colors in both blocks.

  5. Very cute bunny block. Where can I find the pattern?

  6. Very cute bunny block. Where can I find the pattern?

  7. I just love these bunnies! And I am really into the aqua/teal colors this year.

  8. My mom still says that, and lives by it, too. I can't make her throw anything away! The bunny is adorable.

  9. Love the selvage. My grandma had the same mantra! That bunny is super cute!

  10. That bunny is cute, cute, cute! I don't remember seeing the other bunnies but sometimes I don't make it through all the RSC posts so it's probably on me. Your houses have been sweet too with the heart-shaped chimney smoke. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I can see why you like it, the bunny is just adorable! I like the saying also!


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