
Monday, September 6, 2021

Design Wall Monday - Circa 2016 is ready for borders

My design wall this morning is holding a ZILLION 2" half square triangles, ready to sew into strips for border #1 on Circa 2016.  Really I think there are 120 HST, but it seemed like a zillion when I was squaring them up.  

Once the HST border is attached, then a final 3.5" black print border will finish it off.  

And this is what those borders will frame - lots and lots of tiny pieces sewn into very small blocks.  I'm actually quite pleased with how those side panels worked out.  I was very worried that they wouldn't fit, but they did fit.  Can I get these borders on by the end of the week?  

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday:



  1. Oh. My. Gosh! what a sampler of blocks!!!

  2. Hooray for sections that fit--always a breath-holding adventure :) The piecing plan looks terrific.

  3. Looking good! Having pieced sections that fit always produces a big sigh of relief in my sewing room.


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